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Prayer Ministries Director

Dana Brady is a native of Kansas City who currently resides with her husband and children at the foothills of the White Mountains in New Hampshire where she Coordinates Prayer Ministries for a 3 state region in Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire.

Dana has always been a part of the Christian School System and matriculated at Andrew’s University in Michigan where she began the pursuit of Youth Ministry. Through a series of events, Dana left Andrews and pursued a successful career in Corporate Development Management for Companies such as General Electric and SAFC Biosciences. Dana has worked with both national and international organizations and traveled overseas to teach the ins and outs of Corporate Communication.

Dana was called out of the Corporate world to homeschool her children ages 15, 10 and 6 when she became a mother, and God has brought her full circle back into the world of ministry where she serves as the Northern New England Conference of Seventh Day Adventists Prayer Ministries Director and Assistant Women’s Ministries Director.

Dana has a powerful testimony of how she was lured into Islam and then how The Lord brought her back to Him. This can be watched here->

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